I am looking to automate the process similar to replacing foliage instances that can be done in the foliage tool (go to foliage mode, rmb on the instance)
I found this node below, but I am not sure what type it accepts, I can’t find any documentation on the node. I have tried passing in instance foliage actors and instance static mesh components, but it won’t accept these.
Does anyone know what I should be passing this, or if this is even the right route I should be taking?
I’m pretty sure this is impossible using the foliage system. You can do it manually with instanced static meshes, but not directly with the foliage system itself.
All of the Foliage is created as a bunch of InstancedFoliageActors
These actors have a FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent that stores the mesh and other stuff.
Let alone this component not being accessible through the InstancedFoliageActor class, it’s even set as static.