Hi everyone.
It’s the first time that I ask something here. I’ve just started learning Unreal last week.
I have a third person game with an animated character. Let’s call him char.
We are making several animations with a different software and exporting them to FBX, and finally importing that FBX to Unreal.
Therefore, we have:
Blender > FBX > Unreal Engine.
Imagine that we make a walking animation:
I import that animation in Unreal and work with it. I create a Blend Space, and an Animation Blueprint, etc. I work a lot with that animation.
However, a week later, I notice something went wrong with the animation and I fix it in Blender and export it again.
Well, here comes the problem… I don’t find an option that allows me to just replace/update the animation. I was looking for an option on the imported animation just like:
Replace animation… in order to keep all Blueprints and Blend Space that I had worked previously on Unreal.
The only way I found to do it is to delete the previous animation, import the new version and redo the blueprints and blend space.
Does anybody know a way to do it automaticly? You know… just replace the movement.
Thank you very much.