Replace widget in UMG editor?


I would like to replace an UMG widget with an another type. There is a Replace With… feature in UMG editor, but it works only for panels. (Interestingly Wrap With… works with any type.)

Why I need it?
I created a customized USGButton class inherits UButton, but our UI is done with UButtons already.
Im curious there is an easier way to replace UButton to the new USGButton without recreating all buttons.
(My new USGButton created with proper UCLASS so it appears in Palette, but doesnt appear in Replace With… feature)



hm so nothing.
can I expect such feature in future?

Sad :c

That would be a very practical feature. Can we get a status from Epic?
Have you reported a bug to them @BigaCubensis ? Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (Search Results)

Edit: it seems that in 5.1 was introduced Named Slot features that could do the job: Advanced UI Templating Techniques using Widget Blueprints and Materials | Unreal Fest 2022 - YouTube

In my instance, the ‘replace with’ option only shows the one i need, if

1 in the Palette panel, i first select the appropriate target widget
2 select 1 widget from the instance hierarchy (else it doesnt work)
3/4 it ‘may’ show the target widget in the ‘replace with’ dropdown


How is anyone meant find this out on there own?
Thank you sir.