Replace DefaultSceneRoot with Mesh by Blueprint... is this possible ?

I have an Actor Class Blueprint. This actor contains a mesh with must have collision and physics. I want to choose if the mesh is static, skeletal of destructible. So want to build my scene within the blueprint by blueprint code.

The point is… When I want to use the mesh as collision for this actor, I need to replace the DefaultSceneRoot by the mesh. This works as expected. But how is this done by code ?

This is my case :

An Attach does not replace the DefaultSceneRoot…

Why don’t you just have the skeletal/static mesh be the scene root and then change what the actual mesh is through the construction script?

I want to change the mesh type… Is it possible to change one component to another ? I dont think it is…

No you can’t. But I don’t really see any reason why you have issues with there being a scene root and spawning a new static or skeletal mesh on there?