I have found a reliable way of causing the program to crash to desktop, unfortunately the program fails when creating the crash log. It only creates a 0kb .dmp file.
It seems to be tied to a dataset that the program failed on.
The timeline of events are as such.
I reset the program to default settings.
I added 5839 2560x1440 images that are .png. I set the program to do a normal alignment followed by a normal mesh creation.
About 11-12 minutes into the process the program stated alignment failed, and no longer showed the images in the left hand side menu.
Attempting to reimport the data resulted in Import Failed.
I then checked the folder with the images, the folder now had roughly double the number of images except all of the doubles were 0kb .png files.
I removed the bad data from the folder and attempted to try again after restarting the program.
This time the data imported successfully.
Attempting the process again the program goes through initial feature detection fine, when it moves on to analyzing image it will get to about 11-16% and then crashes to desktop.
Upon restarting it comes up with the standard window for filling in crash details, then comes up with the crash dump creation. This part fails every time regardless of where the program is directed to save the file. I don’t think it is a permissions issue as the program is being run in an account will full privileges.
I have also tried clearing the cache as well as playing around with different settings which yields the same results. As well as trying alignment by itself as opposed to using the start button.
So far the program has been wonderful and I would love to see it improve further. So I thought I would check with you guys to see if there is a way to run the program in debug/logging mode. Rather than try to hook in a 3rd party debugger as that can cause issues of its own and pollute the results. I can provide further details as needed but didn’t want to make the initial report too long.
Keep Up the Good Work
System Specs
GTX 970M (System is set to not use the on board Intel Gpu)
Windows 7 SP1 x64