Reorder variable Categories in Class Defaults

It looks like 4.18 Preview 1 doesn’t have it.

Preview 2 doesn’t either.

:frowning: I was super excited there for a moment

Same for Preview 3 : /

Hey Marc, Could you be confused this thread with this: ?

Well… Any for this being in 4.19?

I vote for that too… but the jira is not there for vote anymore :-/

I lost my faith.

Bump for 2018 - please can we at least have the JIRA or a new set back to public to vote on?

Lack of this basic (or should we call it a bug?..) still ruins my variable organization, both for my personal projects and my Marketplace products.

Been looking into this. The internal JIRA marks this as implemented in 4.18. What are you not able to reorder?

I have made a quick test in 4.19 and it is confirmed reorder it is not implemented. You can reorder variables inside blueprints, but if you have several categories inside your blueprint (each one with variables ofc) it is the categories themselves that you can’t reorder and thats what people are complaining. It is too confusing not being able doing so and the interface tries no make you move one category inside the other (which we don’t want to in this case).

Thanks for looking into this!

Here is a simple example of one of the problems that I’m talking about, still present in 4.18: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
As you can see, the category order in the Details panel should be:
Potato, Cool Category, I Like Pancakes, UE Is Awesome.
… But it is:
Cool Category, UE Is Awesome, I Like Pancakes, Potato.

(Sorry for weird names, my turned into scrambled eggs after today’s brainstorming)

What’s weird, they seem to re-order themselves after changing variable names or adding more variables into category… But I don’t see any pattern for this behavior, it seems almost random.
I’ve tried finding some workarounds with using sub-categories, but editor buttons (for ‘Call in Editor’ functions) don’t show up in sub-categories, so I can’t use them.

Here’s a little test project with that variable & category setup:

It looks like somebody marked that JIRA ticked as done, but we can’t see any improvement. Perhaps somebody lost it during merge or some config variable isn’t set properly in the installed build… It should be re-opened and investigated. That’s basic usability improvement.

Slavq, but you’re talking about variables, not categories. If you’d define variables in C++, the display order would reflect order of definitions in .h file.
Maybe blueprint compiler likes to store variable definitions in weird order?

[USER=“69”]Just Krishna[/USER] It’s about variable categories, just like @NilsonLima has explained. You can see the problem in the screenshot, where categories can’t be ordered properly.

[USER=“69”]Just Krishna[/USER] in C++ you are right, it will obey the definition in the .h file, but when it comes to pure blueprints there is no .h file, it might have if you are using nativization, but thats not also the case. There should be a decorator for the categories aswel saying the ordering, but using the interface as it is today, the same way you reorder variables acts different when you try to reorder categories, meaning the interface thinks you want to move one category inside the category you are dragging your mouse. It should appear an option for moving or reorder at the spot.

I believe that the internal JIRA marked as resolved because of misunderstanding this topic as an array item reordering. Which I believe is integrated with 4.18 and is a completely different thing.

Please fix this. Still present in 4.19.2
Thank you

Really annoying.

I looked into this today. Turns out that the sorting that happens in the variable window (a FName array gets created which stores the order) isn’t accessible from the Details window. There are ways to do this, and I’ll most likely do this when I’ve cleared some of the issues in my backlog.