Hi, we’ve just launched our Kickstarter campaign for RENOIR, our noir-themed puzzle-platformer for PC / consoles. Please help us breathe life into our game — even if you can’t back us with money, just mentioning RENOIR to your friends or making our whisper a shout through your social networks… all this is, quite literally, a world of help to us.
For more info (and first RENOIR gameplay video ever) go straight to our KS page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/731043103/renoir
Hi, we’ve reached 15% of funds needed, which coincidentally would be enough money to gather a forensic team to investigate Renoir’s death. The problem is, there wouldn’t be anything left for the players, because we wouldn’t be able to complete our game! So we ask once again for your support, financial or word of mouth through social media and your friends. Don’t let the murder of a hard-boiled detective be left without proper investigation. Even fictional characters deserve closure. 
Thank you
P.S.: After almost one week, we’ve managed to get into TO P 10 games on Steam Greenlight. This fills our souls with hope that RENOIR caught gaming community’s attention - Steam Community :: Error