Rendering in HighQuality creates Artefacts in Movement of Animated Static Mesh Object

Hi community,
I have a problem with the rendering process with the Unreal Engine 5.3.2

I have animated a ‘Mars-Rover’ with physics effects and rotating wheels. Then I recorded the ride with the “Take Recorder”, set a few cameras and rendered it. Everything looks good in the engine and when rendering the queue without anti-aliasing.

But when I use my Productions settings, the rover starts jumping back and forth.
I’ve been looking for the error for over two weeks and haven’t found anything yet. Maybe you can help me?

Thank you,

Can you have a look at the subframes in sequencer? Disable the magnet button and scrub though them to see if your rover is flipping. When you say you rendering without AntiAliasing I assume you be TSS? All TSS will do it tick the engine forward on the subframe. So its possible your actual anim has this in the subframe.

Thank you for your reply and your tip!

The rover did not turn when scrubbing through the sequence. Everything was fine. The problem only occurred during the rendering process.

I found out that the flipping only occurs when I have not rendered the scene from the beginning. In other words, I set the green locator to 200, for example, to avoid rendering unnecessary frames. If I leave the green locator at zero, then the rendering is fine, as you can see in the video. The problem is that I have to render all frames from the beginning, even if the interesting part for the camera starts at frame 500, for example.

Many thanks and greetings from Vienna!

I see. You may need to increase the engine warmup then. It defaults to zero. If you are using any sort of effects and rendering mid shot then you need to warm the engine up first.

Wow, that was a quick answer!

I already tried to set the “Engine Warmup Count” to the frame I wanted to start with (e.g. 200), but then I also got the artifacts in the movement. And the rendering time window is then also no longer correct

This is renderd with 200 frames ‘engine warmup count’ and the green locator was set to 200:

My conclusion: If I move the Geen-Loacator away from 0, then this error occurs during movement in the rendering. I have tried different anti-aliasing settings (‘spatial sample count’, ‘temporal sample count’, ‘engine warm up count’ and ‘engine warm up count’ ) and I always get the same result.
Maybe you have an idea?

I’m not sure. There is something about your physics system that needs a proper runup. The only other thing I can suggest besides baking all the animation down to keys is to enable Use Camera Cut for Warmup and Render Warm-Up Frames.