Rendering farms

Is anyone offering rendering farm services with Capturing Reality? Any other options that any of you might come across? I would like to get in contact :wink:


Hi Manuel

what do you mean by rendering farms ?
do you need to process large datasets or speed up the reconstruction process ??

We need to process around 5k 50mp photos + laser scans in reasonable times for a certain project, waiting 20 hours is not something ideal to tweak settings, etc. :frowning:

Hi Manuel

for now the network reconstruction is not supported, but it is a planned feature for 2016.

Anyway, the 20 hours for 5k images + laser data is a quite nice time :smiley: …

Hi Manuel

Do you have a single XEON CPU and one GTX Titan or multiple CPUs and GPUs in the system ?


Have you tried EC2 (g2.8xlarge)? Microsoft Azure also offers GPU compute instances.

How much are you willing to spend? GPU computing in the cloud can get expensive, but if you just have a one-off project it could make sense. I have a few servers colocated and toyed with the idea of offering gpu rendering services in the cloud, but there are some infrastructure issues to work out first.

If you are in Europe, you can use the GPU in the cloud rendering from Cloudalize. It’s pay-per-use. Just look for GDaaS