I’m making an audio visualizer. I want to render it to a video file.
If I play the level, it works, but when I want to render it, it does nothing.
How should I do this?
Greetings @DanielDPro
When you say it does nothing, does it pop up an error or anything? Or is it just not doing anything when you play the level at all? (Also, do you have the MRQ plugin enabled?)
It starts rendering with the Movie Render Queue, but the audio reactive elements don’t flash like when I start the level.
I created more moving elements and I found out that only the ones that should react to audio didn’t work.
So it is something with the audio? When I start the level it works well, but not when I start the render.
It could be. I’d look and ensure the audio is set correctly for the assets(file names are correct etc).
Then I reimported the audio files and somehow now it works. Thank you
Awesome!! I’m glad you were able to get it resolved. Good stuff! Have a good day, Daniel!