Rendered movie is wrong camera angle

Some unusual Sequencer behavior.
Sequence playback in the Cinematic Viewport is correct, but whenever I render out the sequence the result is a non existent aerial camera angle.

Really odd.

Can any cinematic experts suggest what is happening?

Needed to add a Cut Scene and assign my camera.

I tried this and it doesn’t work. Anyone else seen anything like this before?

I’m literally having the same issue, I’ve set everything for a Cut Scene with an assigned camera, I have the perfect shot, even the preview on the Cut Scene is perfect, but once I send it to render the position is totally off. It’s the only camera I’m using in the whole scene.

Does anyone have any solutions?

So you’ve defined the properties for the camera cut to be using the exact camera? And your cut track covers the entire shot length and you’re not just looking at frame 0?

I have the same problem. The camera in the sequencer and the editor is perfect, but on playback during gameplay, it is off, only showing actors’ chests. This hasn’t happened before.

Right click on the cut track → properties → Camera Bind iD
See if the camera is set since it can sometimes be unlinked.

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Just checked it. The cameras are all set correctly. This is just puzzling.

So is this rendered or just when you hit play (not play in the sequencer)?
Wondering if you have a 3d person or other game modes just providing the view when you hit play, which is different from rendering.

Worked!!! Thank you!

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So if abovementioned solution didn’t work which is to add a Cut Scene & assign camera, then you might be adding cameras to a streamed level and streaming method is set to Blueprint instead of Always Loaded.

It only happens on Play (Editor)