为啥有个Render To Texture_Game这个东西?

老师,我遇到个奇怪的问题,我用的是4.18版本的,我自定义创建个空的项目,然后开始游戏的时候,控制器并不会使用我自定义的游戏角色, 我在project setting里面把它设置成 Render To Texture_Game就可以自定义我那个角色了, 使用默认的game mode和 game mode base不管用。 为啥有个Render To Texture_Game这个东西?
Teacher, I have a strange problem. I used version 4.18. I customized and created an empty project. When I started the game, the controller would not use my customized game character. I set it to render to texture_game in project setting to customize my character. Using the default game mode and game mode base does not work. Why is there a render to texture? Game? How do you interpret render to texture?