Render Target UMG not working in packaged game PLEASE HELP


I am at my wits end trying to figure out why this is not working. I set up a material instance and pass a UMG 3dwidget render target through its emissive channel. I have this setup on a screen of a 3d model of a computer. Everything is working just fine in stand-alone and play-in editor modes. But when I package the game out in shipping mode it does not work at all.

Here is a picture of it running in Editor

And one of it in the package build

I’ve also attached a couple of picture of the blueprints

I delay 1 second before creating the material instance because I read that if you don’t it wont work properly.

I’m not sure what I am doing wrong here. The widget being displayed is initially a bunch of text then switches to some pictures and text. I’ve added the directories to the additional cooked directories for assets and non-assets. But the material instance isn’t even displaying the text.

delay is not a safe node to rely on in the gameplay because when running the game maybe it will take more time to complete certain actions so the delay time you have set will be not enough.

for example in the editor the resources you need may already be loaded in the memory so accessing them will be faster so the no errors

but when running the game it will take more time so it will fail.

try adding like 10 seconds, see if it shows up. just to check if you have all the resources packed in the game.