Render Queue Graph - adjust MPC for different render layers?

Am wondering if this is possible.

For the purposes of compositing, I’m needing to render things out with different materials per pass. Basically one with Base Color only, one where objects have white material (for lighting pass) but also one where the base color needs to be different.

Been experimenting with setting up the Master Material to use an MPC to easily swap between these different material parameters in one single mat, but haven’t yet figured out if it’s possible to make an adjustment to these using the Render Queue Graph method (or preset method)

Can’t universally apply a different material to all objects with the exception of one to collect a lighting/shadow pass

base color

need DIFFERENT base color pass…

and detail lighting/shadow map

You can’t do this atm you can only change material assignments per layer. But I think it would be theoretically possible to implement in the future. I can mention this to the product team.

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