Render Matinee (from sub-level) failing to play on 'movie'

Dear Fellow Unreal’s
I have set up a matinee sequence in a big project, and now have trouble rendering it out.
[1] It has a director group, [2] The Matinee is set to ‘Play on level load’, [3] The nodes mentioned in the tutorials are added to the SUB-level blueprint and all camera’s and matinee [4] are placed on a separate level since we were working on this project with a large group and used the levels as an organisational layer-system. All levels required are set to stream when level is played.

Now, When I go into the matinee and press the ‘movie’ option to record we simply spawn at the worlds origin and can freely move around instead of it starting the matinee sequence.
I suspect it has something to do with the nodes being on a sub-level blueprint but I have been unable to find out how to resolve this since I cannot link the same nodes in the normal ‘Level blueprint’.
I would appreciate any solution or work around you guys can offer, since currently we are running with screen capture software.

Did you get your answer?

In the end we did, there was something corrupted in the project. A developer helped us fix it. Something with a blueprint malfunction.

The project worked out prett well in the end ^^

how to solve this problem,I have the same problem,thanks