I’ve made a lengthy cinematic and instead of having it fill the screen I’d like to display it on a render target via scene capture 2d (a la sitting at the movie). I’m probably missing something but I don’t see a way to do this. Thought it would be trivial to pass the mastercam render to a target.
For performance, depending on how dynamic your cinematic is, but could you render your cinematic to a movie, and then use media framework to play the movie as a texture? Not appropriate in all cases, but would probably be cheaper in terms of performance (but not disk space). Scene captures can be very heavy at runtime if their at high-res
If not, you just need to capture you cinematic with a scene capture as you said, parent a scene capture 2d to the sequencer camera, make a blueprint to match FOV’s if your changes. Feed your scene capture a RenderTarget, and then put your renderTarget texture in a material that you put on a plane or other “video screen” object.
I’d love to just use the media framework but I’m doing some wonky vr stuff so I just need it to be essentially a portal that displays the viewpoint of the cinema. I tried parenting a scenecapture2d to my “mastercam” (still on matinee) but its incompatible.