Renaming Key and Value of a TMap iterator

A lot of stl is being used in my project so I started removing stl

For example, I would like to wrapper the below code with TMap

std::map<uint32, FMyData> Datas;


for ( auto& data : Datas )

I only want to change the tmap declaration to minimize client source modification.

template<typename KeyType, typename ValueType>
class TPairWrapper : public TTuple< KeyType, ValueType >
TPairWrapper( const TTuple<KeyType, ValueType>& InPair ) : TTuple<KeyType, ValueType>( InPair ), first( InPair.Key ), second( InPair.Value ) {}


KeyType first;
ValueType second;

template<typename KeyType, typename ValueType>
class MyTMap : public TMap< KeyType, ValueType >
void clear() { Empty(); }

MyTMap<uint32, FMyData> Datas;



for ( auto& data : Datas )
data.second.DoSomething(); // I don't know how to wrap this part

please help

Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

Joking aside, replace second with Value.