I don’t know if this can be recreated every time, but it happens so often that I’ve been able to memorize why it happens.
If you have, say, a mesh component named something specific, say, “Housing”, and then you decide you want it to be some kind of different component, you have to delete it and add the new type. When you name it “Housing” like the previous component, this will cause the editor to crash and send a bug report.
I was not able to recreate this following your steps with a new Actor Blueprint and swapping out components, keeping the name “Housing,” regardless of whether I compiled and saved the Actor Blueprint between swapping out components.
When you do this and cause the engine to crash, is the blueprint you are working on already referenced by something else? If not, please see if you can consistently create this crash in a blank project and, if so, list new repro steps for us to follow in order to recreate the crash on our end.
The key is the repro steps. If we get steps that produce the same crash every time, we fix it 100% of the time. On the other hand, crash reports without repro steps are only useful collectively in showing trends. They rarely show the root of the crash on their own. Of course there are exceptions, but that’s the long and short of it.