As the title says. I goofed. I made a folder under Content named “Blueprints” weeks ago. The level I’m working on is just a demonstration of what different blueprints and functions do. So I put all these blueprints in this folder. Today after trying to rename this folder to “Blueprints(Custom)”, UE duplicated it with the same name and a “_2” at the end. When I tried to delete that, I got a warning that UE conveniently redirected almost EVERYTHING to the contents in the new folder. I couldn’t undo it. I tried reverting back to an autosave but the last one was 2 days ago even though the program has been autosaving all day. This isn’t the first time I’ve had autosave issues. The save dates are sporadic and occasionally I get this problem where I save everything and it wants me to make a new level. If it was saving properly, I would have saves everyday, since I use the program everyday.
So, in a nutshell, after weeks of work, my project is unusable. Nothing works. My Thirdperson character and gamemode is effed, and most of the blueprints are throwing every error UE can cough up, some even missing completely from the project folder. On top of that, I’m confused as to why renaming a folder (which I’ve done before with no problems), completely destroys all of my work. Any ideas?
This is how UE acts for everyone. Use version control and try to avoid Blueprints. Try to avoid moving things around. It is fragile and it really shouldn’t be. When you move things around you can also be sure that some references in the project settings break, like soft pointers to the gamemode / levels etc and even event nodes on animations. It’s unacceptable. It has always been like this too.
It really is absurd. UE5 has crashed AT LEAST 100-150 times for me over the past 4 months ever since I started using it. I ended up starting a new project yesterday and redoing as much as I could as far as blueprints and character features. About an hour ago, the engine crashed for the 3rd time today. By default it autosaves every 20 mins. So…when was the last auto save? YESTERDAY. Of course. It’s like the save button saves nothing!. Reloading from the first two crashes wasn’t a problem. Why all of the sudden did UE5 forget everything I did today. I’ve spent months learning UE5. Months! I think it’s time to consider giving up on Epic just as my saves give up on me.
Sorry, but welcome to HELL. I did this really early on, but fortunately had everything in Github when I did it. I STILL have a folder in my project with the old game’s code-name in it for this exact reason (and I shipped under a different name 3 weeks ago).
The only ‘safe’ way to move anything is within UE: create a new folder and drag/move items in small batches from the old folder.
Renaming outside UE will break your project. You MIGHT be able to manually fix this with (a) redirector(s) in defaulteditor.ini, but I’ve never tried it.
^This^… But even this isn’t 100% safe as sometimes links can still break. Anyway, renaming / moving / deleting anything within UE is so SLOW . So most of the time, its easier to just copy / duplicate things to a new location, and then re-set references. Then when its a slow week, purge all the dead things from the project using migrate or project cleaning plugins.
You say that auto save does not work. How I work is every time you compile a blueprint you go to the file button and press save all do that enought and you the auto save and no need to worry as when unreal crashes then you just have the last time you save manually which is better.
Ctrl + Shift + S. Yup I do that. The engine just hates me. Today I randomly had 90 percent of my variables disappear in the list of my Third person character. The nodes were still there, most of the list just vanished. I panic saved and restarted. That fixed it. This version of UE is just…unreliable and broken. One more trip up and it’s off to UE4 I go.
Soft pointers will break, project settings will break, anything set in ini / c++ such as paths might break, if you move across packages (plugin / project) things will break and often redirects are not working fail silently (think blueprint struct to c++ struct), animation events / notifies in all animation files and sound references there will break. We can safely say it’s a shitshow, don’t bother. From the start plan every single bit of functionality you want as a plugin with its own directory structure, then symlink that plugin directory to any of your new projects and don’t modify it from there. This ensures the least chance you will end up with 99 folders you suddenly want to change for a single project. Decouple everything.
Always happened. Common is when the blueprint corrupts (doesn’t match the c++ properties) or when you add categories as meta data to struct variables. Half the time they won’t even show up in datatables.