Removing the Z bounce on the Projectile Component

I am trying to remove the bounciness in the Z direction on the standard projectile component. So keep the bounce in the x and y but remove the bounce in the Z so it behaves more like a hockey puck (bouncing off the sides of things but not up and down like a ball). I have messed with the “Constrain to plane” settings as that is sort of what I want, I was getting weird behavior though no matter how I set it up. Any insight into how I can achieve this?


Anyone try something like this?

I’ve never really done anything precisely about what you want, but I’m assuming you want the ball to have all of it’s normal properties, just without the bounce.

In that case… you could do something like an on-collision event with the ground, then get the forward vector of the ball, lock the z-axis to above the ground, and let the ball keep it’s velocity in the x/y axes.

Not sure if this would work exactly how you want, but I’m sure you could tweak it maybe… just an idea for now I guess

Hmm I will try this thanks !