Having some trouble getting text to disappear when I exit the trigger box from reading the note. I can easily display the text I want but I am unsure how I can make it disappear when I leave the triggerbox. Blueprint included, any help is appreaciated.
Why not create the widget before hand and simply using Set Visible to true and false according to player overlap?
Also, Begin overlap and End Overlap without checking overlapping actor will only be good if you set it to detect a specific collision that only the player has.
To sum up:
- Create widget on event begin play and promote to Variable.
- Player overlap begin → set widget visibility to true
- Player overlap end → set widget visibility to false
If this is not what you meant, let me know and ill try to help.
If i understood your setup correctly, this is how you should do it:
Notice i moved the creation to Event Begin Play and that on EndOverlap i didnt do DisableInput for Nothing, but instead enabled input for character again (is this what you wanted?)
Maybe if you can provide an image to help out? I’m not exactly following.
Edited answer to give more clarification