Removing mannequin in clothing scans


I am new to Reality Capture and have several clothing scans I need to do with the items on mannequins. The mannequins are completely black but have a slight shine. What is the best way to remove the mannequin from the model, just leaving the tank top in this case. Thank you in advance!

There are a few options here, you can use these tools to select and delete triangles

or you could export the model and do it in another program, or you could batch process the original images to completely remove the mannequin in photoshop or similar, if there are no features on the mannequin it will not mesh, but RC might close the holes, but they should be easier to remove as they will be big.

Thank you for the help! The mannequin is featureless and all black. Can you explain?

Even a spec of dust can be used as a feature, or a smudge or anything where one part of the surface has anything recognizable on it. By featureless I am meaning that you make every pixel on the mannequin have the exact same values (normally RGB is 0,0,0) That way there is no information to align or mesh.