Hello I have Rama’s Victory plugin on my project, I get an error upgrading from version 4.9.2 to 4.12
“The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: ue4Editor-VictoryBPLibrary.dll Would you like to rebuild them now?”
When I try to rebuild it I get this :
“projectname could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually”.
And it just loops every time I try to run it afterwards, so I decided to remove it because I have not used it yet anyway, When I disable it and restart UE4 for the effects to take place, the project crashes out every time, as if it relies on the plugin to be enabled, I never had the DefaultEngine.ini line to start with, so that is not the problem either.
I have been working on this project for around a year (on and off) so I have plenty of backups but all of them have the victory plugin installed as it was something I did at the very start when I was looking for networking advice.
you must have and dont remember. you could also try to delete intermediate/binaries folder and let the engine regenerate the library files. always backup tho
How would I go about doing that? Removing nodes/reparent’s that link the project and plugin, because I don’t recall ever using any of them so is there a way to find them ?
I have been through the blueprints several times since encountering this thinking the same thing, I have searched for the node by keywords and gone node to node manually, There was no victory node in any of my blueprints, I have also done a search in VisualStudio for the victory plugin and there is nothing, yet i still get a crash when i load the project.
if everything is stock, have you tried migrating all the content to a fresh new project? if non of that works, why dont you just compile victory’s with 4.12 and keep it enabled? or it crashes your project even if its off?
First backup just in case. Try to delete the Plugin from your directory. Also rightclick and open YourProject.uproject with a Text Editor and remove it from the Modules/Plugins. Rightclick your Project file again and choose Generate Visual Studio Project Files. Open your Solution and Rightclick your Project and choose Rebuild. Try to Open your Project and See if it works.
If you really dont use it anywhere it should clean all things up. Also if you ever deleted files directly from VS they still exist in your Source directory you maybe want to look into it just in case.
Error 1 error MSB3073: The command ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.9\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Rebuild.bat" projectname Win64 Development "S:\projectname(Game)\UnrealEngine4\BranchProjects\projectname Branch\projectnameBranch.uproject"
-rocket -waitmutex" exited with code 255. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 43 5 projectnameBranch
Thanks for the help though.
I got around the above error which is a different issue by quoting the dirs in rebuild.bat then managed to get it to rebuild but when I tried to run the actual project I got the crash again.
Oh and before you do that. Did your Project Compile successfuly? (Output Log) or is this just a stupid Intellisense Error from the Error List? If its a Intellisense Error ignore it. Intellisense tends to be a Idiot sometimes.
The 2 compilation errors where due to my UnrealEngine being in Programme files(x86), apparently It can mess up the directory references so I changed the Rebuild.Bat to use longer references rather than short ones and I can now rebuild, I also changed a few file names and got the project to update to v4.12, Doing this has also enabled me to rebuild the lighting which was another Issue I was having, I guess it had nothing to do with the Victory plugin, although I still can’t get rid of it… Which I would still like to do.
When I delete the Intermediate and Binary’s I get a different Error, I’ll test this out though.