I know something similiar has been asked before but that branch didnt help with my current situation, and im not sure why im getting accessed none in the first place when it should just remove the widget.
- is the above in the same BP?
- If you call the interface twice, it should throw an error unless you re-create the widget ofc
- does it actually remove the widget, regardless of the error?
Sry for the late response, was on vacay for the weekend.
- Yes the above is in the same BP
- Do you mean the set Base menu part as the second call or am i missunderstanding.
- It technically does remove the widget, by not making the widget appear in the first place. Probably need to look through to see if i can call it somewhere else to actually see the widget. Without the remove from parent it does actually show.
Oh found the problem, i was calling deselect this in multiple places, before select this even activated. The accessed none problem was caused by calling it twice, which i got from an old ue4 tutorial.
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