I create level streaming node with sublevels (Locations), but also there automaticaly was added any other levels (like character creation, title level, third person example level, and few debugging levels)
So, problem that they are all lauching at once, if to press “Play”., and instead to play there appears some hardcore =\ It would be cool if somewhere was smth like “Don’t stream this level” option, or “Remove from streaming” "or “Delete from streaming list”, but i can’t find it. All i can to select and deselect these levels in R-click menu. Also all these levels are gray inside node. “Unload level from stream” bp also do nothing.
Hi there,
All streamed levels are presented in Levels tab [Window → Levels]. Check all listed sublevels inside it, and just simply remove unnecessary ones from Levels tab if present.
And also, check your code for unnecessary LoadStreamLevel calls.
I strongly recommend you to read official documentation:
thanks! but i can’t remove them from windows-levels ) about what the question
I fix it by changing folders hierarchy - create new folder and add there only level-streaming-node., inside this folder - also new folder for streaming sublevels. Node don’t see any levels in another folders, only it’s subs. Just need to clean up the mess a little)
In the World settings turn off Enable World Composition. In the Levels Window right click on your sublevels and there you can Change Streaming Method from Always Loaded to Blueprint. That allows you to load levels by events or some logic or flow you desire inside your blueprints with the LoadStreamLevel node. Hope this helps