September 4, 2015, 11:32am
Tested Engine version. 4.8.3, 4.9.
In blank project, without starter content
Add new blueprint interface class IManager
Add new blueprint class manager
Set Implemented Interface IManager in manager
Add interface function MyFunction with 1 output (any types is ok), and compile the IManager
Remove the previous added output in IManager::MyFunction
Compile the manager will always display compiler error :
Error Graph named ‘MyFunction’ already exists in ‘manager’. Another one cannot be generated from (none)
The only way I can solve the error now is:
Remove the implemented interfaces “IManager” in manager, and then delete the function MyFunction.
Re-add the IManager as interface to manager.
Hi windkey,
I was able to reproduce this on my end and have entered a bug report, UE-20787, to be assessed by the development staff.
September 7, 2015, 7:22am
Thank you!
Waiting for your good news.
November 10, 2015, 4:53pm
Hello, may I ask the bug status? Thank you.
Hi windkey,
This bug is still under assessment. Unfortunately I do not have a timeframe of when a fix will be made available.
Hi mxnko,
I checked on UE-20787 and it is still under assessment by the development staff. I do not have a timeframe of when a fix will be implemented, but I have updated the bug report to reflect that additional developers are experiencing this error.