I’ve encountered a strange behavior with Remove Instance node.
The following blueprint is supposed to delete foliage instances around my character. It works just fine in the editor during play and/or simulation, but doesn’t in a standalone game. Remove instance node always return false in standalone game.
I was able to replicate this behavior in a blank project using the third person template, a simple static mesh used as foliage and this blueprint added to the third person character blueprint.
Tried a few things but I really don’t understand what’s the problem. Here’s an even simpler blueprint which just removes foliage instances around the player. It works fine in the editor but not in standalone…
Apparently you now have to use “Use dynamic Instance Buffer” on the foliage static mesh component that the foliage uses. So make a new blueprint from the original one and turn this on and apply it to your foliage and you should be able to remove instances during runtime.
@animjo: In Foliage section, click on some of your foliage in the list and under the mesh you will see drop down menu “Component Class”. Default is FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent. Click on magnifying glass and it will navigate you to this C++ Class in Engine Content, right click on it and select “Create Blueprint class based on…”, save file, open it and you will see option “Use Dynamic Instance Buffer”. Then apply this new Blueprint Class to your foliage (in Foliage section in that drop down menu under the mesh). Done and working