I have a vector array with 100 unique vectors. I created a loop that runs 100 times. each loop should spawn an actor at a random vector in the array, then remove that vector item from the array so that it cant spawn an actor at that vector again. I run the function and some of the actors are overlapping. Why?. I ran tests to to ensure that at the end of the while loop the array is empty and it is. I also ran tests to ensure that each vector item is unique. So how does it spawn some overlapping actors?
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As always with Randoms:
Evaluation happens twice due to the 2 execution wires. You use one random for placement, but remove another, different random from the array. The solution is to store the index in a variable and use the same index for accessing and removal:
Another solution is to shuffle the array:
No need to remove anything (at least in this very scenario), the elements are randomised inside the array, just get the next one.
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