Remove duplicate instance?

How can i remove the instance from a duplicated static mesh. Im trying to pincut a duplicated object without affecting its original owner.

Hey @Hellafaded4life!

I think the node you’re looking for is “Remove Instance”!

You’ll run that on the actor that the instances are a part of, and pass in the one you want destroyed :slight_smile:

wouldn’t that destroy the copy? Also my original static mesh isnt a blueprint so I cannot add a node.
I am just trying to edit the copy without affecting the static mesh that I copied it from.

So I was under the assumption it was a static mesh instance.

So you just duplicated the original? You can just modify it the same as the original, if that’s the case. It won’t affect the original, you can treat it as it’s own entity. :slight_smile:

When i model the duplicate into a different shape it affects the original and the other duplicates as well

That’s strange. Well, what I would do then, if I was running into that issue:

Right Click the static mesh. Tell it to Export as .fbx. Leave all the stuff default and export it.
Rename it in windows.
Change the folder in Unreal, and drag in the exported .fbx you made. Make sure you name it something different. This way, the files themselves should not be connected in any way any longer. :slight_smile: