Remove collision

Hey guys, I am having a big problem with collision.
I have 300 static meshes in my scene I was trying to remove them by using blueprint, I can change there type like box, cylinder and sphere but I can’t remove the at once,can someone help me please

Are they all static meshes? Just select them all and change it in the details


Yes they are all static meshes
if I changed it to no collision then there is still collision mesh assigned inside those static meshes, I want to remove them from inside the meshes

thanks for the reply

This method only allows you to change the meshes in the level. If you want to change them in the content browser, you either need to use ‘matrix edit’, or write a blueprint utility.

Ok, I have no idea how to do both :slight_smile:
Do u know someone who can help me to create these blueprint or guide me

( second probably doesn’t show how to do this particular thing, but it’s the general concept ).

Be aware, of course, if you edit them in the content browser, the collision will be totally gone.