Remove capsule component from third person player controller

In my project, the player is a robot, a robot who is pretty blocky, so I decided that a rectangular collision would work better. Besides, capsule collision sometimes makes the character slip off angled edges, which is problematic for platformers, but for some reason, I can’t. It just will not let me use anything else as a root except that capsule. I cannot move it away, I cannot delete it, I cannot do anything with it, I cannot even put another collision box over it, as it will be ignored in favor of the capsule.

Hey @V_vix!

Unfortunately, you can not remove the capsule collision from a character blueprint because it is inherited from the base character blueprint class. Instead, you are going to to want to make a custom character using a pawn to have a totally separate type of collision.

I hope the above helps point you in the right direction.

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Unfortunately creating a pawn for a character breaks things like jumping, which are only available in the character blueprint. Wouldn’t there be a way to open the master of the player character blueprint and edit it in order to remove the capsule component? Or maybe at least adding a new collision box over it?

You could do that if you build UE from source and edited the code within visual studios or your choice of IDE.

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For anyone else looking here in the future, what you can do as a workaround is:

  1. On Capsule Component > Collision > Collision Preset: Set object responses to ignore for the relevant ones
  2. On Skeletal mesh/CharacterMesh, Change Collision Enabled to Collision Enabled (Query and Physics) and set Object Responses to Block.

This will remove the collision from the CapsuleComponent and activate the collision for your CharacterMesh for every Object Response you decide. This does come with extra performance cost due to two collisions for the Character, but its quick :slight_smile:

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