Remove capsule component from third person player controller

In my project, the player is a robot, a robot who is pretty blocky, so I decided that a rectangular collision would work better. Besides, capsule collision sometimes makes the character slip off angled edges, which is problematic for platformers, but for some reason, I can’t. It just will not let me use anything else as a root except that capsule. I cannot move it away, I cannot delete it, I cannot do anything with it, I cannot even put another collision box over it, as it will be ignored in favor of the capsule.

Hey @V_vix!

Unfortunately, you can not remove the capsule collision from a character blueprint because it is inherited from the base character blueprint class. Instead, you are going to to want to make a custom character using a pawn to have a totally separate type of collision.

I hope the above helps point you in the right direction.

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Unfortunately creating a pawn for a character breaks things like jumping, which are only available in the character blueprint. Wouldn’t there be a way to open the master of the player character blueprint and edit it in order to remove the capsule component? Or maybe at least adding a new collision box over it?

You could do that if you build UE from source and edited the code within visual studios or your choice of IDE.

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