Hi all,
I had a C++ class that was no longer needed so I closed UE4 and VS, deleted the .h and .cpp files, rebuilt the project files and everything compiles fine.
Problem is I had a BP that extended from this which I forgot about. This has now been removed from the project and the map, but every time I open the map I’m shown these broken reference warnings.
How can I resolve these?
It’s telling you that IslandV2 is referencing BP_MM2Game.
If “BP_MM2Game.” is a blueprint actor, search for it in the world outliner and delete it. It might still exist in the map as a null reference. Also try to see if it still exist in your project folder (try to open it in windows explorer, go to your content folder, and see if it exist there)
Thanks for the reply.
I’ve searched both the world outliner and the project folders and both are coming up nothing found.
Any additional ideas?