Remove all Fixtures from DMX Patch at runtime

Hey there. So a question about DMX Plugin fixtures.

I have a DMX patch that I would like to edit at runtime. In order to do this I can Remove the fixture before Patching a new one with the correct values.

This seems simple enough with RemoveFixturePatchFromLibrary and CreateFixturePatchInLibrary and keeping a reference to the fixture.

However in the edge case that the application does not exit cleanly and I don’t have a reference to the current patched fixture I would just like to remove all the fixtures from the patch before patching a new fixture.

I just need some way to either loop through all of the patched fixtures or all the patched fixtures per type, but I can’t seem to find anything that returns an array of patched fixtures.

I guess I could remove the Fixture type and rebuild it (or break everything) but that seems excessive.

Is there some way to do this?

Never mind, I just needed to look a little harder.

Things I learned:

  1. Remember to turn off Context Searching for blocks
  2. Try looking at the DMXSubsystem

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