Removal of Editor Tutorial Class

could it be that Epic Games has removed the Engine Tutorial Class from the Ue5? Is there a plausible reason for this and what can I use as an alternative now?


Not sure, if these are what you’re asking about, but there still seem to be classes derived from UEditorTutorial (source here).

Looks like they are all part of IntroTutorials module. They sould appear in the Editor after enabling this plugin:


Hope, it helps


Thanks this is exactly what I was looking for. I hadn’t even thought that Epic would just disable the plugins by default. You saved me a lot of time as I was already programming my own system.

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I hate to bump this but did you actually get this working? I’ve spent today having no luck with the Guided Tutorial plugin whatsoever.

What do you mean by “no luck” and “get this working”? What problem are you encountering?
Be specific, you’re question is ambiguous. OP clearly got this working.

It does recognize the class when the plugin is enabled. But still, they can’t be opened


Again, could you please be more specific? What “can’t be opened” means?
I CAN open blueprints derived from those classes on my side, so not sure what the problem is.