RemoteLog Plugin

i’m pleased to announce my second plugin for the marketplace:
RemoteLog Plugin

It can send your game logs to remote tcp servers(ipv4) by connecting as client.

Presentation video:

Gets the messges created with:
-Blueprint print nodes
-c++ UE_LOG

It offers only the tcp client but i also unofficianlly include 2 servers:
-python script tcp server
-utility server (binary exe for windows) (tcp and websocket)

With the utility server you can receive the log messages from your game
and broadcast those messages to any tcp or websocket client,
meaning you can watch your logs using clients like:
-tcp clients
-websocket clients (apps)

Note: only the utility server creates websocket server and broadcast to all tcp/websocket clients, the python script only prints the messages on its console, both the python script and the utility server are provided unofficially and there will be no support for them

You can use it like this:
-run game and server in one computer (watch logs in same computer, separate window)
-run game locally and server remotely (watch logs in a second computer)
-run multiple instances of your game in several computers or same computer (each game instance sends its logs to the server)
-run game in your android device and watch logs in your pc
-run server in one pc and watch logs from your android/tablet device (using html or an app)
-run vr game and watch logs in a separate window or from another computer/phone/tablet
-run server in one computer to watch logs of other developers games

Works with:
-desktop games
-VR games
-android games
-multiplayer games
-blueprint only project
-projects with c++ code
-packaged games (only development builds)

Whats included:
-tcp client for blueprints
-access log for blueprints
-source code
-[unofficially] python tcp server
-[unofficially] utility server for windows (broadcast received logs to websocket or tcp clients)

1.activate the plugin in your project using the editor -> menu edit -> remote log and enable it the content browser open “view options” (bottom right corner) and enable “show engine content” and “show plugin content” the content browser search for the folder “RemoteLog Content” and drag the blueprint “Logger TCP” to your viewport
4. selecting the new Logger TCP instance in your viewport set your TCP server IP and PORT
5. run your server and game!

In futures sessions you only need to run the server and the game will connect automatically.

Note: if you want to use this plugin using remote devices/computers make sure there are no firewall or special network rules blocking the tcp/websocket communication

I hope you enjoy this plugin, happy debugging !