Remote Control Web Interface cant find Node.js

Using Virtual Production Template in 4.27.1

I get this error after activating Remote Control Web Interface on restart

LogRemoteControlWebInterface: Error: [Failure] Failed to Launch the Remote Control Web Interface - Couldn’t find node.js installed…, Please install latest nodejs from Download | Node.js

I have reinstalled nodes. is there a specific place it needs to be installed, or do I need to tell Unreal where it is? I can’t find anything after searching for the past few days.

Thanks in advance for any guidance

Using Mac OS version 10.15.7 and Node-v14.15.0

Anyone else have this issue?

same here! (Mac os x 12.2, Apple M1)

Assumed node.js needs to be in the path, but double-checked and it is.

On the plugin documentation there’s mention of a “Maximum Version” 14.15.5. -
used NVM to downgrade dfrom 15.x to 14.14.0 - no improvement.

Anybody got an idea where to look?