Hi All,
I’m calling functions on a C++ actor via the HTTP Remote Control API from an external application. Everything is working as expected except that parameters to a function that are arrays of floats come through as double the expected size, with zero’s for every second entry.
For example, I have my function declared as :
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "SC3D", meta = (ScriptName = "SetBallDetails"))
void SetBallDetails(int arcNum, TArray<float> xPoly, TArray<float> yPoly, TArray<float> zPoly, float scale, float radius, float startTime, float endTime, FVector4 color);
and I’m passing the following JSON through the remote control API
"objectPath": "/Game/Maps/SC3DLevel.SC3DLevel:PersistentLevel.BallArcController_1",
"functionName": "SetBallDetails",
"arcNum": 0,
"xPoly": [-3.0535359382629396, 8.239432334899903, -8.463349342346192],
"yPoly": [54.13432693481445, -138.52688598632813, 15.507794380187989],
"zPoly": [5.2962236404418949, -2.4204938411712648, -8.552960395812989],
"scale": 1.0,
"radius": 1.0,
"startTime": 0.0,
"endTime": 0.39836424589157107,
"X": 1.0,
"Y": 0.5,
"Z": 0.0,
"W": 1.0
"generateTransaction": false
Everthing arrives as expected with the exception of the xPoly, yPoly, zPoly arrays, they have 6 elements. eg : [0.0, 3.0535359382629396, 0.0, 8.239432334899903, 0.0, -8.463349342346192]
Bit stumped on this, I can’t seen anything odd in the JSON or the function declarations, and other functions I’m passing arrays of FString to are working fine.
Any ideas appreciated!