Remote control API bug ?

Hi all, I think I discovered a bug, but I’m not quite sure…

Here is the thing : I use the remote control API plugin (from epic) to call a function inside one of my blueprints. So good so far, I can print something and do pretty much whatever that function does…

But, I get trouble when I try to play a levelsequenceactor… When called from remote API, the function can not find the asset… If I start my function manually, not through remote API, it works like a charm… Am I missing something or is this totally a bug ? Thanks guys.

Actually, it’s even worse… I can’t even change a boolean through a function called with remote control API. I mean, my function is pretty simple… set one specific boolean variable to true. It’s not even working… Anything I’m doing wrong ? (yes, the function is called, I can print text my boolean.)

Going crazy at this point. Here is an illustration of the issue…