Remote Compiling for iOS - Crazy Slow

I’m trying to troubleshoot some crazy build times for iOS (remote compiling). For the past few days it’s been 5x-10x what I’ve been used to, and it seems project agnostic. I’m no expert at reading the build logs, but it sure doesn’t seem like anything obvious is happening at the super slow times. Any ideas for what is happening at this stage of the build, so that I might be able to track down the cause?

Log snippit follows:

LogPlayLevel: building file list … done

LogPlayLevel: C/Users/Giff/Documents/dev/horizon/RnD/FishFlock/Intermediate/Build/

LogPlayLevel: C/Users/Giff/Documents/dev/horizon/RnD/FishFlock/Intermediate/Build/IOS/FishFlock/

LogPlayLevel: C/Users/Giff/Documents/dev/horizon/RnD/FishFlock/Intermediate/IOS/

LogPlayLevel: C/Users/Giff/Documents/dev/horizon/RnD/FishFlock/Plugins/MultiThreadFlockFish/Intermediate/Build/IOS/UE4/Inc/MultiThreadFlockFish/

LogPlayLevel: sent 499743 bytes received 44 bytes 90870.36 bytes/sec

LogPlayLevel: total size is 1907885023 speedup is 3817.40

LogPlayLevel: Doing sh && rm

LogPlayLevel: Execute took 00:00:03.8036182

LogPlayLevel: BatchFileInfo took 00:00:10.9727185

LogPlayLevel: Target is up to date

-------------------------------------- TAKES TEN MINUTES HERE--------------------------------------

LogPlayLevel: UPL Init: None

LogPlayLevel: Discovering modules, targets and source code for project…

LogPlayLevel: Writing project files… 0%Doing xcode-select–print-path LogPlayLevel: Execute took 00:00:02.5332634

LogPlayLevel: Doing ls /Applications/

LogPlayLevel: Execute took 00:00:02.5418121

Click for full log file