I’m trying to remote build on a MAC-mini (High Sierra 10.13.5) from Windows 8.1 Pro. The SSH-Connections is working and i’ve installed X-Code 10.2 beta but i get a System.FormatException when i try to Launch my Projekt:
ERROR: System.FormatException: Die Eingabezeichenfolge hat das falsche Format.
LogPlayLevel: bei System.Number.ParseSingle(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
LogPlayLevel: bei System.Single.Parse(String s, IFormatProvider provider)
LogPlayLevel: bei UnrealBuildTool.IOSToolChainSettings..ctor(String DevicePlatformName, String SimulatorPlatformName)
LogPlayLevel: bei UnrealBuildTool.IOSToolChainSettings..ctor()
LogPlayLevel: bei UnrealBuildTool.IOSToolChain.<>c.<.ctor>b__1_0()
LogPlayLevel: bei System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()
LogPlayLevel: bei System.Lazy`1.LazyInitValue()
LogPlayLevel: bei UnrealBuildTool.IOSToolChain.ModifyBuildProducts(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEBuildBinary Binary, List`1 Libraries, List`1 BundleResources, Dictionary`2 BuildProducts)
LogPlayLevel: bei UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinary.GetBuildProducts(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, Dictionary`2 BuildProducts, Boolean bCreateDebugInfo)
LogPlayLevel: bei UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildTarget.PrepareReceipts(UEToolChain ToolChain, Boolean bCreateDebugInfo, EHotReload HotReload)
LogPlayLevel: bei UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildTarget.Build(BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, CPPHeaders Headers, List`1 OutputItems, List`1 UObjectModules, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, ActionGraph ActionGraph, EHotReload HotReload)
LogPlayLevel: bei UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.RunUBT(BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, String[] Arguments, FileReference ProjectFile, Boolean bCatchExceptions)
LogPlayLevel: Took 2,4553271s to run UnrealBuildTool.exe, ExitCode=5
I found a similar Problem here: but this Fix didnt work for me.
UE4 4.20 does not yet fully support Xcode 10 Beta. Support is planned to be included in a 4.20 update and the final release of Xcode 10 and IOS 12 will be fully supported in 4.20 as well (again a future update once those products have been released).
A licencee was troubleshooting an iOS faceAR app, he listed the steps he took to get it working. (There may be unnecessary steps, but I hope it helps!)
Make sure you make the project in a directory without any spaces (e.g. /User/Documents/unreal/project_files)
Make sure Epic Games and UE4 files are in folders without spaces
Open the UE4 project, go to Project Settings > Target Hardware > Change from Desktop/Console to Mobile/Tablet
Project Settings > Platforms > IOS > name your "Bundle Display Name" and "Bundle Name". Make sure your bundle identifier is com.RealCompanyNameThatMatchAppID.[PROJECT_NAME]
File > Generate XCode Project
Make sure your xcode is the beta 10.4 version. Set it as the default sudo xcode-select -switch /path/to/Xcode-beta.app
Open XCode. Open the project in Xcode.
In XCode, under Preferences > Accounts, make sure you have valid iOS Development Certificates. Follow apple guidelines to generate them.
In Xcode, Edit Scheme ... > Run > Change "Build Configuration" to "Development".
Under the project "Build Settings" > Base SDK > Development > iOS
"Build Settings" > Supported Platforms > Development > iOS
"Build Settings" > Code Signing Identity > Development > iOS Developer (this is the automatic one)
General > Display Name (same as before)
General > Bundle Identifier (same as before)
General > Signing > Tick Automatically manage signing
General > Signing > Select your team\
General > Development Info > Deployment Target > 12.0
General ? Deployment Info > Device Orientation > tick portrait
Connect your phone and run. It will probably fail. Don't worry.
Save project. Go back to Unreal.
Unreal > Project Settings > IOS > Tick the Mobile Provision and Certificate that are valid.
Scroll down and tick "Automatic Signing"
Unreal > File > Package Project > IOS
Grab the packaged IOS file and install it manually using XCode (by navigating to Devices and Simulators..).
If the above doesn't work, go back to XCode, run the project again (this time it should build and install on your phone). But this will probably crash? (not sure).
Now that you've installed this, go back to Unreal and try packaging the project again and manually installing. (for some reason automatic launching did not work for me).