I’ve got a cross-platform product that is designed for iOS (using ARKit) but falls back to a simulator mode if not on iOS.
What’s the recommended process for getting this built to Windows, OSX and HTML5?
I get the following when building and unclear whether I should be remapping or whitelisting paths as instructed or doing something else? This is BP only
> UATHelper: Packaging (HTML5): ERROR:
> The following files are set to be
> staged, but contain restricted folder
> names ("Apple"): UATHelper: Packaging
> (HTML5):
> Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AR/Apple/AppleARKit/AppleARKit.uplugin
> UATHelper: Packaging (HTML5):
> Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AR/Apple/AppleARKit/Content/ARKitCameraMaterial.uasset
> UATHelper: Packaging (HTML5):
> Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AR/Apple/AppleARKit/Content/ARKitCameraMaterial.uexp