Okay so I have a reload animation, but I do not know how to put it into my character without messing up the other animations. When i start the game, all the animations and blendspaces work perfect, but when i reload, my character doesn’t animate after i have reloaded. Here is what is in my character blueprint so far.
You will have to do it like in this video:
So you need a reload montage + blend it with the other animations
Okay so I did what you told me and it worked, but I changed one of the variables to get it to work. Making this change in the Animation Blueprint made it so my Crouch animation stuff not work. How would i make both work together? Here is the event graph of the animation blueprint:
The problem is with the "Set Speed variables in the middle. I can only have one connected at a time.
You can just use a “sequence” node to connect it to both speed variables
Okay thank you that works! How would i make it so I play different walking animations depending on the direction im facing? Such as a side walking animation or a backwards walking one.
Therefore you need an ordinary blendspace (not the 2d one) - the sidewalk animations - and a small setup in your anim bp -> download the couch knight demo from the launcher and just copy + paste it
Sorry, but I cannot find the Couch Knight Demo. So it would be called Strafing right and left, but I don’t know how the blueprints would be setup.
Here you can find it:
Well I didn’t see any strafing of any kind in that Demo. I either cannot find it, or we are thinking of something different.
Hey Nomo, have you checked out this post on the AnswerHub? https://answers.unrealengine/questions/32458/third-person-preset-blueprint-strafing-animation.html
That helped. Thank you