Releasing a Game on Both Epic Games Store and Steam – Questions About Timelines and Rules

Hello everyone,

I’m planning to release my game on the Epic Games Store and Steam. For Steam, the estimated timelines are clearly outlined in their documentation:

  • Company verification: ~1 month
  • Store page review: ~2 weeks
  • Game review: ~2 weeks

If everything goes smoothly, the process takes approximately 2 months.

However, I couldn’t find similar estimated timelines for the Epic Games Store in the documentation. After establishing my company, how much time should I expect to spend on each step of the process on Epic?

Additionally, is there a specific rule about which platform I should launch first? For example, if I release on Steam first, could that prevent me from releasing on Epic Games Store (or vice versa)?

Thank you in advance for your guidance!

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I would like to know as well.

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Nobody cares dude. There is no one you can reach from epic games. The person in the live chat said that the authorities would email me shortly. But then the authorities emailed me saying, “We don’t know, it’s not within our authority; open a topic.” :smiley: :smiley: . In Steam, there is maximum 2 days you receive mail back.

Hey Funora - I’d just assume a similar amount of time as the Steam process and run them in parallel, it’s not too different and if you have all the correct information to hand. It’s quite automated so it shouldn’t be a hurdle for you if you have the company set up.

In regards to shipping on Steam or Epic, I think it’s best to ship on the platforms you know you can support as every platform is a chance to find new players interested in your work.

The Epic First Run program might also be worth checking out for you:

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Steam account approval takes 5-10 days on Steam, you need to wait at least 30 days with an approved account before publishing your first game.

Then you upload images, trailer and descriptions to open the game page and send it for approval. If you are lucky, all documents are correct and you will receive page opening approval within 3-5 days. After opening the page, it must remain as coming soon for at least 14 days. After the Coming soon page, you send the build and wait for the review result. This again takes at least 5 days. So if everything goes well, you can publish a game in 60 days in total. By the way, if there is any problem, the tickets you create are answered in at least 3 days.

We published our first game on steam and experienced this process.

We released our second game ‘‘Summer Dates’’ only on Epic and just released it.
The process on Epic was very fast for us. We uploaded everything at the same time to open the page and all approval processes did not exceed 5 days. In this process, we were able to receive responses to the tickets we sent during the day.

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I can sell the game in Steam after the Epic First Run right? Is there any times estimate should i wait before releasing in Steam?

Oh, that is very quick mate. What did they control in 5 days :smiley: Do you planning release on Steam too?

Hey Funora - it’s a 6 month exclusivity on Epic First Run so once you’ve shipped on Epic you can sell on Steam after that 6 month period.

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Thank you very much Pete.