Released UE5 games-The 60fps performance monitoring of games using UE5.

I’ll start:
Fortnite 5.1
This game and high fidelity mode using Nanite, Lumen and VSM’s was produced by UE5 engine programmers and the performance is concerning for a “simple stylized game”

On a Desktop 3060, at Native 1080p, with Motion blur on and these settings.

Here is the FPS 66fps on a large angle, so if you play on the ground, better perf…right?

Oh except you don’t really get a performance boost on the ground.

Absolutely horrible performance for such a simple project. Same Perf as City Sample.
I made sure not to include much sky when monitoring performance since rendering the sky is pretty cheap and uncommon.

Most will say, oh well nothing is static or baked! Okay so what? Then it should be more aggressively caching the buildings/stationary objects not being destroyed.

If someone wants to make the argument that a static environment would perform better than why does City Sample, at the same settings(Via Cvar sync) with NO ai, and no WPO perform the same?