Released UE5 games-The 60fps performance monitoring of games using UE5.

Tekken 8 Demo performance review.

Disturbing representation of native performace and Forced TAA/Upscalers

One of the most disturbing parts of this game’s production style is the fact that they labeled Native resolution as “Ultra” (Found via save game as sg.ResolutionQuality=100).
And they also force TAA and Upscaling.

  • When testing the performance. I used r.ScreenPercentage 100 with UUE5 unlocked to make sure it was true 1080p

Because they force upscaling and temporal AA/output resolution upscalers. No option for FXAA. The gameplay looks terrible in real life as I suspected @Guillaume.Abadie . Why would the developers offer FXAA when your AA documentation describes it as a method that hurts image fidelity even though the temporal methods ruin motion. I have no doubt if CMAA2 or SMAA were offered in the engine, we would not have received such a poor presentation of this franchise.

I was forced to use UUE5 unlocker to get rid of the TAA (r.AntiAliasingMethod 1) and my god… this game looked fantastic in motion with no temporal crap ruining it.

Why did they force TAA?

  • To fix TAA dependent hair and objects that use ugly temporally dithering.

How does it perform? 55-65% GPU usage on a desktop 3060 on max settings, TAAU. Very good performance.

Why does it perform so well?

  • Well, for one reason it doesn’t use Nanite or Lumen like this trailer did.
    These features were confirmed non-existent in the game by the devs.

  • Nor does it use Virtual Shadow Maps due to the fact that typing in r.Shadow.Virtual.Enable 1 changed the way some objects were lit (they became brighter) and tbh, it really didn’t make a difference in visuals. I and I think I saw a 10fps decrease in perf when I forced VSMs on with UUE5 unlocker ( It was still 60fps at native 1080p on a 20% slower mobile 3060).

More test to come. I made sure to test perf in the largest environment on the correct resolution to current gen rasterization ratio scale.

And no btw, I could not force Lumen or Nanite on. They didn’t build the 60fps targeted project with Lumen or Nanite in mind even though they had the Reveal Trailer running at 60fps on a PS5 with good “4k” visuals.

This isn’t the complete game, but this AAA studio is currently unhappy with the visuals.

Let the results speak for themselves.