Hello everyone!
I’m here to make an official thread about the first character I’ve released in the Epic Marketplace! I’ve made this character a while back and I think some people would make good use of her.
I’ll let all the questions and support about the product in this thread.
You can go on the product page on this link HERE](Cyberpunk Girl - Evelynn V2 in Characters - UE Marketplace) or by clicking on the image below.
This pack contains a cyberpunk rigged character and a katana.
She has facial, hair and cloth rigging to those who want to animate it by using physics animation (RigidBody/AnimDynamics or similar).
She’s customizeable. You can change her hair color, choose using RMA and much more.
She has different master materials for Skin, Cloth/Armor, Eye, Hair, Neon. The textures itself is customizeable, so the master material should work with any assets you like.
The **source files **(.blend/.spp) can be pucharsed in Artstation: Here](ArtStation - Evelynn.exe v2 - Realtime Cyberpunk Character | Game Assets)
If you have any doubts about anything regarding my work feel free to contact me.
Contact Information: Artstation](ArtStation - Henrique Sales) |** Facebook**](Henrique Sales)** | **Twitter](https://twitter.com/eatmylazer)
Support me on **Patreon](UNWIRED is creating A Cyberpunk Action RPG Indie Game | Patreon)!**
Technical Details
- Scene with a playable character included
- 5 different Master Materials that can be used for the whole character (Skin/Cloth/Hair/Eye/Neon)
- Facial Rigging included for facial animations
- **Coat and hair rigging **included for physics animations
- Extra bones
- Customizeable hair/fur
- Special animaions
- Include a cyberpunk katana
- Katana with origin on the handle
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
IK bones are included: No
Animated: Yes
Number of Animations: 13
Animation types (Root Motion): Walk/Jog/Run, Jump and Idle variations.
**Number of characters: **2
Vertex counts of characters:
- Evelynn
**Vertices: **146921
**Tri: **172923
- Cyberpunk Katana
Vertices: 4984
**Tri: **7389
Number of Materials and Material Instances:
- **Evelynn: **25
- Katana: 4
**Number of Textures: **104
Texture Resolutions: 2048x2048 to 4096x4096
Supported Development Platforms:
**Windows: **Yes
**Mac: **Yes
Documentation: No
Important/Additional Notes:
- You can replace all the neon textures with a standard metal material.
I’m fairly new to this, so please let me know if I am making something wrong. I would really appreciate some feedback as well!