[RELEASED] RPG Inventory System

Hi! I am the creator of the RTS Toolkit and now the RPG Inventory System!

The RPG Inventory System has now been released to the Unreal Marketplace! You can find it at the following link or in your UE4 launcher: RPG Inventory System in Blueprints - UE Marketplace

• Inventory UI
• Pause menu
• Pop-up loot screen
• On-screen prompts
• Interactive loot buttons with item thumbnail
• Customizable item descriptions and stats displayed within the inventory Items
• Entirely customizable items
• Variables for item mesh, thumbnail, name, item stats, item description, item weight, and much more
• Item rarity tiers from common to legendary
• Item types which currently include materials, weapons, armor, gold, usables, quest items
• 4 helmet meshes, 4 sword meshes
• Stackable items
• Player modifiers on armor/weapons that, when equipped, increase character stats like strength or total health (customizable stat in item)
• Usable items such as health potion or mana potion that, when used, heal/restore character stats over time
• Ability to quickslot usable items to the HUD Lootable Objects
• Lootable objects with exposed variables for customization
• Random loot generation based on customizable drop tier settings
• Customizable mesh Important Player Features
• Health, mana, and stamina bars each with regeneration functions
• Customizable character portrait
• Character stats including strength, intelligence, dexterity, carry weight, gold count Other Essential Inventory Functions
• Ability to break down most items into materials
• Ability to drop items
• Lootable dropped items
• Stack split

As always, please feel free to leave me a message either through the forums, this site, or my email and I will get back to you as soon as possible, usually before 24 hours!

I would also like to note that a complete documentation will be released very soon. If you have checked out the RTS Toolkit documentation you know that I’m very thorough about my documentation/guides. This one will likely be the same length or longer than the RTS Toolkit documentation so I would like to have it released by next week or the week after!