Looks neat. Thanks!
I could not resist and upgraded the suspension system and made it an all-wheel drive!
It is a rock-crawler now and drives more stable. If Someone has the models, you could replace all primitives with wheels, chassis etc…
first Post is updated!
Ill have to give this a go, thanks!
thank you
PolyPlant, I tried to assign the F, V, Z, and U keys to gamepad thumbsticks and triggers but the camera moves along with the car. How can I fix the problem?
UE4 standard cam can not do it as far as I know for PhysX rag dolling (the car is one basically). Maybe I am wrong.
For our physics based game we created a new camera actor blueprint/Code and then did our own logic having it always look at an actor you can choose (antenna eg), follow it and check for collisions etc.
Small Update in the first post:
A stripped down and basic version of our custom camera is included. It is now gamepad and follow-camera ready!
New controls for gamepad:
Steering - Left Stick
Accelerate/Reverse - Right/Left Shoulder analoque trigger
Right Stick - Camera Movement
Right Stick Press - Reset Cam
Select Button - Zoom in
The camera follows any actor that you specify in the blueprint via direct blueprint communication.
The hoppling at higher speeds is from the cheap collision of the capsules. Tried yesterday to get high-res custon collision into UE4, but the ‘learning curve’ was too steep…it did not work.
Softtires would be perfect here!
Looking good. Keep it up.
How about a control to reset the car after it gets stuck?
go to level blueprint->get the any keyboard key as trigger action-> wire ‘Press’ to ‘execute console command’ node -> type ‘RestartLevel’ in the node.
Where is the tutorial or the download ?