[Released] Particle Pyro Texture Pack v1

hey gang!

About a month ago, I released my first pack on the store. It’s a little pack to give you a nice boost when it comes to VFX textures. In this case - pyro textures. It’s a pack of over 24 textures (and more to come in an update coming soon), along with several example emitters and a very robust particle shader (tutorial on how to fully use it coming soon). I use the shader in my own projects and you would be pleasantly surprised at how much ground it covers. This is great to keep your permutation count low and also great for particle sorting.

The reason I created this was simple - Finding a VFX artist to help you on a project is not always easy. Finding one that can simulate fire and smoke and create seamlessly looping textures with those sims is even more difficult. This will help you give your VFX team a really nice head start into making assets for your project.

This pack includes full colour and gray scale images. The advantage being that you can use it for things other than fire and smoke. It can easily be used for magic effects and ambiance effects as well. I plan on creating a video soon of the other types of effects I created with this pack to give you a better idea of what you can achieve.

If you have already purchased it, thank you! Would you be able to throw some feedback up in the marketplace? I would love to hear what you like or dislike about it. I’ve already had a few personal and very reasonable requests via email and I’m in the process of updating the pack with them along with improvements to the emitter samples and supplied material.

Thanks again for your support and happy game dev(ing)!

Marketplace asset link](https://www.unrealengine.com/content/e97ffed20a3e41f59d211b4ee00e8bef)

hey folks!

Thank you to anyone who’s purchased this pack. That’s super awesome of you!

I just got the confirmation email from Epic that my update to the pack is complete. Please grab it! There’s several new textures, updates/fixes to the main material and updates to the particle systems.

Its A great pack, one thing im finding is in this version(newer) is that the explosion particles(2) wont auto destroy, ive changed all the settings in cascade, and am spawning the emiter at location, but even after the actor is destroyed it keeps looping…im sure its something simple im missing, but it didn’t do it with the first version…thanks for any help

There is some really strange stuff going on with this pack either particles are not destroying or spawning…only the flame jet seems to work properly…any help would be appreciated