Released Key Duration

Hi all,

I’m attempting to count whether the Gamepad left thumbstick has been released for 2 seconds, to then start an action. I’ve tried using a Set Timer By Function but not sure how configure it along with the Input Axis.
Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks!

How about this:

Thanks for the response ClockworkOcean. The Retriggerable Delay is only postponing the event, there is a node called Get Input Key Time Down that I’ve tried clamping but I wasn’t able to reverse its logic, is there away?

Sorry, bit confused. This will wait 2 seconds after key released before the action. If they repeatedly release the key, it wont trigger until the last release is at least 2 seconds away.

Can you be a bit more specific?

Do you want the key to be down a set amount of time also?

Right, instead of measuring the key time down, we want to measure the time the key is released, so when the key is released for a specific time (2 seconds) it will trigger.

That’s what I gave you… :slight_smile:

I tested that but it only delayed the trigger. It didn’t work at measuring the key release time as it’s trigger. I will test it again to be 100

notice it’s regtriggerable…

Unfortunately the Retriggerable delay only performs a latent action and we’re not trying to delay the action just time the duration of the action as a released key time, what do you think?

Sorry, I’m missing the point…

Now, you helped me think of a different way to approach the problem and to be honest I never knew the Retrigger Delay existed before, still learning! :slight_smile: